Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Bible Study Guide Lesson 12

Bible Study Guide: Lesson 12   *Test Date: Tuesday, Feb.6
*Know Luke 8:15 –Be able to write it out!
“But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering, produce a crop.”
*Know the 4 types of soil in the “Parable of The Sower”
1. Path-Hears the Word of God, but doesn’t believe     because it is snatched away.
2. Rocky-Hears the Word of God, but falls away because
of temptation or testing.
3. Thorns- Hears the Word of God but doesn’t grow because of worries, cares, riches, and pleasures.
4. GOOD SOIL : )  Accepts the Word of God and grows, then shares it with others.
*Be able to draw all 4 types of soil!
Why is the “sower” parable so important? Because understanding this parable helps understand others 

Use “reap”,”sow”, and gospel” to tell how a good crop grows in the heart of good soil.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

STEM Project Rubric

                 STEM PROJECT: GRADE ______
*ASK: 2-3 complete sentences (10 points)__
*IMAGINE 2-3 complete sentences (10)____
*PLAN:DRAWING -Labeled (10 points) ____
*PLAN STEPS written clearly(10 points)____
*CREATE 2-3 complete sentences(10)_____
*IMPROVE 2-3 complete sentences(10)____
*COMMUNICATE 2-3 sentences (10) ______
*REFLECT 2-3 complete sentences(10)_____
Roller coaster and written assignment DUE: Friday, March 2nd  (10 points)      ________

                       **TOTAL POINTS EARNED____

STEM Project - Third Quarter

                                  Grade 3
Dear Grade 3 Parents,
                        We have been learning about engineering in Science, and the steps in the design process. Each student will be designing their own “amusing amusement ride” using cardboard tubes and marbles. Students will be graded on answering each step in the process (8), and on their completed project. The students will be doing this project at home- including the written section. Students should print their answers neatly, using complete sentences. The projects will be demonstrated in class the week of March 5-9th.
                The completed projects along with the written section is due on Friday, March 2nd. Please sign below and return this sheet on Monday .
                                                 Parent’s Signature
             Thank you!  Mrs. Hines & Ms. Markel

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 11

Bible Study Guide      Lesson 11    *Test Date: Wed., January 24
*Know John 3: 3     Be able to write it out
*Know and be able to write the definition of salvation:
Being saved from the punishment of sin and receiving eternal life.
*Be able to distinguish between characteristics of the selfish nature versus the new nature that follows God. For example:
SELFISH: angry, lying, slanderous, filthy language, full of wrath,                                                          blasphemous, hateful, full of rage
NEW NATURE: merciful, loving, gentle, kind, humble, peaceful, thankful, compassionate, meek, patient, forgiving
*Christians can think and behave like Jesus through their own power. FALSE
 * Jesus told Nicodemus it was necessary to be born again to see the kingdom of God. TRUE
*There is no punishment of sin. It is not important. FALSE *Because  God loves everyone, He sent Jesus to pay the penalty for sins. TRUE
*To be born again spiritually is to be born as a new baby again. FALSE
 *Only some people have sinned. FALSE

Newsletter and Homework for Week of January 22-25

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 10

Bible Study Guide     Test Date: January 10,2018                                   *Lesson 10
*Know I John 4: 7-8   Be able to write it out
God cares about people’s actions but not their motives. False
Jesus calls people who live for Him His friends. True
A motive is a reason for doing something. True
Believers should ignore their enemies. False
Jesus loves some people more than others. False
Jesus told His followers to love only people who love them. False
Being selfless is having concern for others, not for oneself. True
Love only when it is easy to love. Love one another. Love your friends only.
Jesus gave the greatest example of being selfless. What did He do to pay for sins that were not His own? He died on a cross.
Write two complete sentences about how you will show love to someone this week.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Social Studies Study Guide - Chapter 3

Social Studies Study Guide      Chapter 3* Test Date: January 11, 2018
*Vocabulary To Know:
Public Service-doing work for the good of the community
County- part of a state
Volunteer- to choose to work without being paid
Recreation- any hobby, activity, or sport done for enjoyment after working
Property tax- money paid to the government by people who own land and buildings in the community
*Facts To Know:
Public property is property that belongs to everyone in the community.
The mayor, judges, and other members of the city or town government are usually elected by citizens of the community.
Jane Addams started a community center called “Hull-House.”
The extra money that people pay when they buy something is sales tax.
Laws for a county are made in the county seat.
Government leaders can appoint people to certain jobs because citizens have given them the authority to do so.
*”Resolve Conflict” Writing Section: A conflict is a disagreement. Imagine two classmates in a conflict- each wants to be in charge of turning the computers on and off. What will happen if…they walk away? Smile about it? Compromise? Ask for help?
*Write a paragraph telling about services community governments provide: what are they, and why are they important?