Sunday, February 25, 2018

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 15

Test Date: Tuesday, February 27th
*Know: Ephesians 4:32
*Know: In order to restore relationships Jesus told us to
be quick to do 2 things. These 2 actions are:1.Ask for
forgiveness 2. Extend forgiveness
*Sequence these events (these are in order)
-A servant was upset because he owed a debt to the
king.-The king forgave the large debt.-The first servant
put another servant in prison.-The king was angry
because the servant didn’t forgive the other servant’s
debt.-The king turned the servant over for punishment.
If it’s hard to forgive- just stop trying. False
* The meaning of the parable is: kings are unfair. False
*Sin separates people from God and hurts their
relationship with Him. True*
If people do enough good works it will make up for the
bad they do. False *Jesus said forgive 3 times only. False
*Reminding a person of how they hurt you means you
did not forgive the person. True

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 14

Bible Study Guide     Test Date: Thursday, February 15
                                  Lesson 14
*Know Luke 19:10
 “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.”
*Write about the parable of the lost son and how he repented, and reconciled with his father. (3-4 sentences)
*Facts To Know:
The Lost Sheep-The shepherd searched for the sheep, just as Jesus showed He loves and cares about lost people.
The Lost Coin-The coin was lost, just as sinners are lost.
The Lost Son-God welcomes those who repent.
*Jesus taught about the “lost” using parables.
*The shepherd shows compassion for his sheep.
*God wants sinners to show repentance.
*Believers should tell the lost about Jesus, so believers take part in evangelism.

*The word “gospel” means GOOD NEWS!!!

Newsletter and Homework for Feb. 12-16

Monday, February 5, 2018

Science Study Guide - Unit 10

     SCIENCE STUDY GUIDE    UNIT 10    - Test Date – Tuesday, February 13

pulley: a wheel with a rope or chain around it
compound machine: a machine made of up of 2 or more simple machines
work: is the use of a force—a push or a pull—to move an object in the same direction as the force
simple machines: need only one force plied to make work easier to do
screw: an inclined plane that winds around a shaft

·        a ramp that is less steep lessens the amount of force you need to apply to push a box up a ramp
·        scissors and shears are made up of levers and wedges
·        a broom uses a lever to work and is a simple machine
·        to decrease the amount of force to pull something up a ramp, you increase the length of the ramp
·        an inclined plane is also a ramp
·        it takes less force to pull something up a longer ramp
·        it takes less force to turn a screw than drive a nail into wood because the threads on the screw increase the distance it travels
·        goggles are safety equipment that should be used for an experiment
·        a flag poles uses a pulley to change the direction of force
·        a wedge it two inclined planes back to back

A screw is easiest to turn when its threads are closer together.  The further away the threads, the harder it is to turn.

Work is done only when a force moves an object.  If the object does not move then it is not work.

A science experiment should only test one variable at a time.  Students need to decide which variable they want to test and make sure everything else in the experiment is the same.