Thursday, December 22, 2016

Social Studies - Chapter 4 - Study Guide

SS Study Guide
Before the election-
1. candidates share ideas 2. ballots are prepared
During the election-
1. people vote in secret
After the election-
1. ballots are counted 2. winners are announced
Supreme Court
patriotic symbol

MLK, Jr.
Harriet Tubman
Francis Scott Key

*the jobs the president does

*Congress is the Senate and the House of Representatives

Newsletter and Homework for Jan.3-6

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Social Studies Study Guide - Chapter 3

Social Studies Study Guide      Chapter 3* Test Date: Tuesday, December 20th
*Vocabulary To Know:
Public Service-doing work for the good of the community
County- part of a state
Volunteer- to choose to work without being paid
Recreation- any hobby, activity, or sport done for enjoyment after working
Property tax- money paid to the government by people who own land and buildings in the community
*Facts To Know:
Public property is property that belongs to everyone in the community.
The mayor, judges, and other members of the city or town government are usually elected by citizens of the community.
Jane Addams started a community center called “Hull-House.”
The extra money that people pay when they buy something is sales tax.
Laws for a county are made in the county seat.
Government leaders can appoint people to certain jobs because citizens have given them the authority to do so.
*”Resolve Conflict” Writing Section: A conflict is a disagreement. Imagine two classmates in a conflict- each wants to be in charge of turning the computers on and off. What will happen if…they walk away? Smile about it? Compromise? Ask for help?
*Write a paragraph telling about services community governments provide: what are they, and why are they important?

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 17 - Christmas

              Bible Study Guide: Christmas  Lesson 17
                     * Test Date:  Wednesday, Dec.21st                         
*Know  John 3: 17 *Be able to write it out!
*Know these 5 words/ phrases about Jesus’ birth: mother of Jesus, family line, throne of David, birthplace, others honor Jesus
*True and False
The angel Gabriel visited Mary. True
Wise men came from far to worship Jesus. True
Herod tried to save baby Jesus. False
A prophet is a person who studies stars. False
Mary believed that God is omnipotent. True
Jesus was an heir to King Nebuchadnezzar’s throne. False
Writing: What do the fulfilled prophecies about Jesus tell you about God? God knows everything; God is all powerful.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Newsletter and Homework for Week of December 12-16

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 9

Lesson #9 Bible Study Guide   TEST DATE: Tuesday, December 13th
1. Know definitions for:
prayer- talking with God
submission- a state of having yielded to authority
2.      P: praise and thank God
R: repent and confess
A: ask for help for family and friends
Y: yourself-talk to God about yourself and your needs
3. God protects against Satan and temptation.
4. God forgives you for your sins when you ask for His forgiveness.
5. Prayer helps you have a closer and stronger relationship with God
6.  Be able to name what prayer does for you in complete sentences.

                              Bible Memory Verse: PROVERBS 15: 29

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 8

Bible Test Lesson 8:               Test Date: Monday, December 5, 2016

Know if true or false:
True: Bread of Life: Jesus fills my hunger to know God.
True: Good Shepherd: Jesus loves His sheep and gave His life for them.
True: The resurrection and the life: Jesus alone gives eternal life.
False – Vine: Jesus wants me to eat many pieces of fruit each day.
True-Door or Gate: Jesus is the only way to have salvation and become a part of God’s family or flock.
False – Light of the World: Jesus is scared of the dark.
True: The way, the truth, and the life: Jesus is only one of the ways to gain entrance into Heaven.
Give one instruction that Jesus, the Vine, gives His branches:
Bear or produce fruit, abide in or remain in Him, keep or obey His teachings, love one another
Know definitions:
Truth – something that can never be proved false
Resurrection – a return to life after having been dead
Describe one of the “I Am” statements and how you can apply it to your life.
1.     Bread of  Life means to accept Him as Savior and believe He will satisfy my hunger to know God.
2.     Light of the World means you believe the truth about God and believe He can guide you to knowing God.
3.     Door, or Gate means you believe that Jesus is the only entrance to accepting God’s salvation and to becoming part of God’s family.
4.     Good Shepherd means you listen to Him, trust Him, and follow Him.
5.     Resurrection and life means you believe He can give you eternal life.
6.     Way, truth, and life means you accept Him as my Savior as the only way to heaven, believe Him, and live a full life because of Him.

7.     Vine means to bear or produce fruit, abide in or remain in Him, obey Him, and love others. 

Homework and Newsletter for Week of November 28-December 2

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Science Study Guide - Unit 8 - Earth and the Moon

Unit 8 Science Test December 6, 2016
axis: an imaginary line the Earth spins around
revolution: the Earth’s complete trip around the sun
tides: the changes in the height of ocean water on Earth
waning: getting smaller
waxing: getting larger

The motion that causes the Earth to have four seasons is called revolving.
A lunar eclipse happens when the moon is in the full moon phase.
When you use a model of the moon’s phases, it shows the changes in size and shape of the moon’s lit area.
The moon is full when it is on the side of Earth away from the sun.
Know what the shape of a crescent moon looks like.
The two phases of the moon that look alike are the first-quarter moon and third-quarter moon.
You can use photographs of the moon to show its phases.
The sun lights one half of the Earth’s surface at a time.
The motion of the moon around the Earth causes the changes in the shape of the moon.
When your part of Earth points away from the sun it is winter.

Long Answer:
*Know and be able to identify the 4 main moon phases and the order they follow:
full moon, third-quarter moon, new moon, first quarter (repeat)
These phases can be called quarters (1/4)
*Earth’s rotation on its axis causes the Earth to have day and night.
*Would the phases of the moon look the same from Mars? Why or why not? Be able to explain your answer.

Homework and Newsletter for November 21-23

Friday, November 11, 2016

Newsletter and Homework for Week of November 14

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 13

Bible Study Guide             Lesson 13          “Thanksgiving”
                 *TEST DATE:     Friday, November 18th
*Know Colossians 3: 17 – Be able to write it out
1. Leprosy is a type of disease that affects the skin and nerves.
2. A priest determined if a person had leprosy.
3. After Jesus healed 10 men with leprosy, only one came back       to say thank you.
4. Jesus commented on the Samaritan’s faith.
5. You can show thankfulness to God in prayer, in song and in your actions.
6. Having an attitude of thankfulness is a choice for every person each day.
7. God wants our sacrificial thanks!
8. Having an attitude of thankfulness helps people focus on God’s blessings. Believers should be thankful Jesus sacrificed His life to pay for our sins!
*WRITING; Be able to write 3 complete sentences about things you are thankful to God for in your life!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Social Studies Study Guide - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Social Studies
Test is: Tuesday, November 15th

history: the story of what happened in a place
ancestor: someone in a person’s family, such as a great-great-grandmother, who lived long ago
pioneer: a person who helps settle a new land
location: the place where a community is found
founder: a person who starts a settlement

Multiple Choice:
The capital city of the United States is Washington, D.C.
The population of Eagle, Colorado is larger today than it was in the 1800s because more businesses brought more jobs.
A community that is larger than a suburb is a city.
The first people to live in Eagle, Colorado were Native Americans.
People who live in rural areas live away from cities and large towns.
The Himalayan Mountains are on the continent of Asia.
Miners discovered silver mines in the mountains of Colorado around the 1880s.
A line on a map that shows where a state or country ends is a boarder.
A globe is a model of our planet.  It shows the true shapes of Earth’s oceans and continents.
The founder of the settlement that later became Eagle was William Edwards.
the 4 cardinal directions- North, South, East, West
map scale: is used to find the distance from one place to another

How has the community of Eagle, Colorado changed? How has it stayed the same?

Over time, the population of Eagle has grown, stores and shops have been built, and transportation routes have improved.  Eagle is the same because people still live and work there.  They raise their families and enjoy parks and activities near their home.

Homework November 9-11

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 7

Bible Study Guide 7            Test Date: Thursday, Nov. 10th
*Know I Corinthians 3:11 Be able to write it out
*Finish this sentence: wise builders build their house on a ____rock_________ , and foolish builders build their house on____sand_________.
*True and False:
A parable is an everyday story with a spiritual meaning. True
Believers can find answers to their problems in God’s Word.  True
Jesus used a picture of a muscular man to show strength. False
A priority is something deserving first attention.   True
*List 5 Priorities A Believer Should Have: Obedience, Bible Reading, Worship, Fellowship, Prayer
*WRITING SECTION: Tell about ways you can make wise choices. *Read the Bible, obey, pray, listen to God, talk to wise people.

Explain how knowing God and His Word has helped YOU through a life situation. (Complete sentences)

Newsletter and Homework for Week of October 31

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Social Studies Study Guide - Chapter 1

Social Studies Chapter 1 Study Guide
Test date: Thursday, October 27

community: a group of people who live and work together in the same place
culture: a way of life shared by members of a group
service: work that someone does for someone else
judge: a person from the community who is chosen to work as a leader in the courts
goods: products, or things that can be bought or sold
consequence: something that happens because what a person does

Schools and libraries are important because they are places where people can learn.
Many people live downtown or near business centers so they can live near their work.
Ethnic groups help communities because they share their cultures with the community.
Different jobs that people do in a community help all citizens meet their needs because it saves them time.
Eagle, Colorado celebrates a holiday called Flight Days.
Cooperating with others helps make a community a safe and peaceful place to live.
Some consequences for breaking a law are: paying a fine, getting hurt, and going to jail.
A mayor is a leader whose job is to see that a community’s problems are solved.
Every citizen in a community must obey laws as a responsibility.

Citizens in a community have many responsibilities. 

Newsletter and Homework for October 24-28

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Bible Study Guide for Lesson 5

Bible Study Guide* Lesson 5  Test Date:  Tuesday, Oct. 18
*Know Luke 6: 40         Be able to write it out
*Writing Section:
   Write at least 3 ways a Christian can grow in faith in
     Christ. Serving others, prayer, reading God’s Word,
      Listening to the Holy Spirit.
    What can you do to serve God and others?
*Fill in the blanks:
As Peter grew in faith, he became a leader in the Church.
Jesus called 12 disciples to follow Him.
Before Jesus chose His disciples He prayed.
The disciples spent time in fellowship as they walked together.
God transformed the disciples through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Peter grew spiritually. He used to be selfish and afraid.
Matthew was a tax collector.
Others watched and saw God transform the disciples’ lives.

Newsletter and Homework for October 11-14

Friday, September 30, 2016

Science Study Guide - Unit 2

Science Study Guide   Unit 2         The Engineering Process
                                     Test Date: Thursday, October 13
1.  What is the main goal of the design process?
           To find solutions to problems
2.  What is technology?
Anything that people make or do that changes the natural world
3.  Engineers designed plans to make freezers for food. What problem did it solve? How to keep food fresh
4.  What material is good to use if you are building a base for a bridge? Toothpicks
5.  Which object in a train station is not technology? A clock, door, person or scheduling board. (person)
6.  Engineers designed a machine to decrease air pollution. The main purpose of telling others about the machine is to help other people solve the same problem.
7.  Engineers can design and build tall buildings in a city. The buildings solve the problem of a city with many people and not a lot of land.
8.  A student builds a bird feeder and discovers the hole is too small for birds to get the food. The next step to fix this problem is to redesign the bird feeder.

Bible Test 4 Study Guide

Bible Test 4  Study Guide Test Date: Thursday, Oct.6
*Know Isaiah 6:8 – Be able to write it out
TRUE and FALSE…(They won’t be in this order)
False *To respond means to not react.
True* Jesus told the disciples to be fishers of men.
True*God wants people to serve Him willingly and                                               
True*Jesus helped Peter and the other disciples                                                     
          catch many fish.
True*To equip means to provide what is needed for
           a certain purpose.
False*The disciples were not sure they should leave
            their fishing business when Jesus called.
*How does God equip you as you follow Jesus? THINK  “FISH” = With FRIENDS, INSTRUCTIONS, SUPPLIES our needs, and gives us The HOLY SPIRIT.

*As the disciples grew in their faith, they could tell others about Jesus, follow Him, be an example.           

Friday, September 2, 2016

Homework Week of September 6-9

              Homework : Week of September 6 – 9

Monday             Labor Day! No School!!!
Tuesday            1. Critical Thinking Math pages 1 & 2
                         2. Write sentences for spelling words 1-10
                         3. Study Bible verse
                         4. Read for 20 minutes!
Wednesday      1. Math Workbook page 4
                        2. Reading Worksheet page 1
                        3. Study for Bible Test 1 tomorrow!
                        4. Read for 20 minutes!
Thursday         1. Math Workbook page 5
 2. Write sentences for spelling words 11-18                    and study for test on Friday
                       3. Study new Bible verse* Luke 2:40
                       4. Read for 20 minutes!
Friday             1. Math Workbook page 6
                       2. Study new Bible verse!
                       3. Read for 20 minutes!

Spelling Words for Lesson 1
Test on Friday, September 9th

clap, camp, hand, stamp, snack, rack, grabs, glad, bill, miss, click, pink, sick, grin, lift, cat, bit, man
Challenge Words
anthill, cramp

Friday, August 26, 2016

              Homework : Week of August 29-September 2

Monday           1. Study Bible verse* Deuteronomy 6:4
                          2.  Read for 20 minutes
Tuesday           1.  Study Bible verse
                         2. Read for 20 minutes!
Wednesday    1.  Write spelling words #1 -18: 3 times each
                         2 .  Study Bible Verse                        
                         3.   Read for 20 minutes!
Thursday        NO HOMEWORK
                        Back to School Night at 6:30
Friday             ENJOY YOUR 3 DAY WEEKEND
                        HAPPY LABOR DAY

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome to third grade! I hope everyone had a great summer! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday and working with you this year!