Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 7

Bible Study Guide 7            Test Date: Thursday, Nov. 10th
*Know I Corinthians 3:11 Be able to write it out
*Finish this sentence: wise builders build their house on a ____rock_________ , and foolish builders build their house on____sand_________.
*True and False:
A parable is an everyday story with a spiritual meaning. True
Believers can find answers to their problems in God’s Word.  True
Jesus used a picture of a muscular man to show strength. False
A priority is something deserving first attention.   True
*List 5 Priorities A Believer Should Have: Obedience, Bible Reading, Worship, Fellowship, Prayer
*WRITING SECTION: Tell about ways you can make wise choices. *Read the Bible, obey, pray, listen to God, talk to wise people.

Explain how knowing God and His Word has helped YOU through a life situation. (Complete sentences)

Newsletter and Homework for Week of October 31

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Social Studies Study Guide - Chapter 1

Social Studies Chapter 1 Study Guide
Test date: Thursday, October 27

community: a group of people who live and work together in the same place
culture: a way of life shared by members of a group
service: work that someone does for someone else
judge: a person from the community who is chosen to work as a leader in the courts
goods: products, or things that can be bought or sold
consequence: something that happens because what a person does

Schools and libraries are important because they are places where people can learn.
Many people live downtown or near business centers so they can live near their work.
Ethnic groups help communities because they share their cultures with the community.
Different jobs that people do in a community help all citizens meet their needs because it saves them time.
Eagle, Colorado celebrates a holiday called Flight Days.
Cooperating with others helps make a community a safe and peaceful place to live.
Some consequences for breaking a law are: paying a fine, getting hurt, and going to jail.
A mayor is a leader whose job is to see that a community’s problems are solved.
Every citizen in a community must obey laws as a responsibility.

Citizens in a community have many responsibilities. 

Newsletter and Homework for October 24-28

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Bible Study Guide for Lesson 5

Bible Study Guide* Lesson 5  Test Date:  Tuesday, Oct. 18
*Know Luke 6: 40         Be able to write it out
*Writing Section:
   Write at least 3 ways a Christian can grow in faith in
     Christ. Serving others, prayer, reading God’s Word,
      Listening to the Holy Spirit.
    What can you do to serve God and others?
*Fill in the blanks:
As Peter grew in faith, he became a leader in the Church.
Jesus called 12 disciples to follow Him.
Before Jesus chose His disciples He prayed.
The disciples spent time in fellowship as they walked together.
God transformed the disciples through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Peter grew spiritually. He used to be selfish and afraid.
Matthew was a tax collector.
Others watched and saw God transform the disciples’ lives.

Newsletter and Homework for October 11-14