Thursday, December 22, 2016

Social Studies - Chapter 4 - Study Guide

SS Study Guide
Before the election-
1. candidates share ideas 2. ballots are prepared
During the election-
1. people vote in secret
After the election-
1. ballots are counted 2. winners are announced
Supreme Court
patriotic symbol

MLK, Jr.
Harriet Tubman
Francis Scott Key

*the jobs the president does

*Congress is the Senate and the House of Representatives

Newsletter and Homework for Jan.3-6

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Social Studies Study Guide - Chapter 3

Social Studies Study Guide      Chapter 3* Test Date: Tuesday, December 20th
*Vocabulary To Know:
Public Service-doing work for the good of the community
County- part of a state
Volunteer- to choose to work without being paid
Recreation- any hobby, activity, or sport done for enjoyment after working
Property tax- money paid to the government by people who own land and buildings in the community
*Facts To Know:
Public property is property that belongs to everyone in the community.
The mayor, judges, and other members of the city or town government are usually elected by citizens of the community.
Jane Addams started a community center called “Hull-House.”
The extra money that people pay when they buy something is sales tax.
Laws for a county are made in the county seat.
Government leaders can appoint people to certain jobs because citizens have given them the authority to do so.
*”Resolve Conflict” Writing Section: A conflict is a disagreement. Imagine two classmates in a conflict- each wants to be in charge of turning the computers on and off. What will happen if…they walk away? Smile about it? Compromise? Ask for help?
*Write a paragraph telling about services community governments provide: what are they, and why are they important?

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 17 - Christmas

              Bible Study Guide: Christmas  Lesson 17
                     * Test Date:  Wednesday, Dec.21st                         
*Know  John 3: 17 *Be able to write it out!
*Know these 5 words/ phrases about Jesus’ birth: mother of Jesus, family line, throne of David, birthplace, others honor Jesus
*True and False
The angel Gabriel visited Mary. True
Wise men came from far to worship Jesus. True
Herod tried to save baby Jesus. False
A prophet is a person who studies stars. False
Mary believed that God is omnipotent. True
Jesus was an heir to King Nebuchadnezzar’s throne. False
Writing: What do the fulfilled prophecies about Jesus tell you about God? God knows everything; God is all powerful.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Newsletter and Homework for Week of December 12-16

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 9

Lesson #9 Bible Study Guide   TEST DATE: Tuesday, December 13th
1. Know definitions for:
prayer- talking with God
submission- a state of having yielded to authority
2.      P: praise and thank God
R: repent and confess
A: ask for help for family and friends
Y: yourself-talk to God about yourself and your needs
3. God protects against Satan and temptation.
4. God forgives you for your sins when you ask for His forgiveness.
5. Prayer helps you have a closer and stronger relationship with God
6.  Be able to name what prayer does for you in complete sentences.

                              Bible Memory Verse: PROVERBS 15: 29