Thursday, December 21, 2017
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Bible Study Guide - Lesson 17
Bible Study Guide: Christmas Lesson 17
* Test Date: Wednesday, Dec.20th
*Know John 3: 17 *Be able to write it out!
*Know these
5 words/ phrases about Jesus’ birth: mother of Jesus, family line, throne of
David, birthplace, others honor Jesus
*True and
The angel
Gabriel visited Mary. True
Wise men
came from far to worship Jesus. True
Herod tried
to save baby Jesus. False
A prophet is
a person who studies stars. False
believed that God is omnipotent. True
Jesus was an
heir to King Nebuchadnezzar’s throne. False
What do the fulfilled prophecies about Jesus tell you about God? God knows everything;
God is all powerful.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Monday, December 4, 2017
Bible Study Guide - Lesson 9
Lesson #9 Bible Study Guide TEST DATE: Monday, December 11th
1. Know
definitions for:
talking with God
a state of having yielded to authority
2. P: praise and thank God
R: repent and confess
A: ask for help for family and friends
Y: yourself-talk to God about yourself and your needs
3. God protects
against Satan and temptation.
4. God
forgives you for your sins when you ask for His forgiveness.
5. Prayer
helps you have a closer and stronger relationship with God
6. Be able to name what prayer does for you in
complete sentences.
Bible Memory
Verse: PROVERBS 15: 29
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Social Studies Study Guide - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Social Studies
Test Date: To Be Announced
the story of what happened in a place
someone in a person’s family, such as a great-great-grandmother, who lived long
a person who helps settle a new land
the place where a community is found
a person who starts a settlement
The capital
city of the United States is Washington, D.C.
population of Eagle, Colorado is larger today than it was in the 1800s because
more businesses brought more jobs.
A community
that is larger than a suburb is a city.
The first
people to live in Eagle, Colorado were Native Americans.
People who
live in rural areas live away from cities and large towns.
Himalayan Mountains are on the continent of Asia.
discovered silver mines in the mountains of Colorado around the 1880s.
A line on a
map that shows where a state or country ends is a boarder.
A globe is a
model of our planet. It shows the true
shapes of Earth’s oceans and continents.
The founder
of the settlement that later became Eagle was William Edwards.
4 cardinal directions- North, South, East, West
scale: is used to find the distance from one place to another
has the community of Eagle, Colorado changed? How has it stayed the same?
time, the population of Eagle has grown, stores and shops have been built, and
transportation routes have improved.
Eagle is the same because people still live and work there. They raise their families and enjoy parks and
activities near their home.
Bible Study Guide - Lesson 8
Bible Test Lesson 8: *TEST
DATE Friday, December 1st
Know if true
or false:
of Life: Jesus fills my hunger to know God.
Shepherd: Jesus loves His sheep and gave His life for them.
resurrection and the life: Jesus alone gives eternal life.
False-Vine: Jesus wants me to eat many
pieces of fruit each day.
True-Door or Gate: Jesus is the only
way to have salvation and become a part of God’s family or flock.
False-Light of the World: Jesus is
scared of the dark.
way, the truth, and the life: Jesus is only one of the ways to gain entrance
into heaven.
Give one
instruction that Jesus, the Vine, gives His branches.
bear or produce
fruit, abide in or remain in Him, keep or
obey His teachings,
love one another
truth: something
that can never be proved false
resurrection: a
return to life after having been dead
Describe one of the “I am” statements and how you can apply it to
your life.
1. Bread of Life
means to accept Him as Savior and believe He will satisfy my hunger to know
2. Light of the
World means you
the truth about God and believe He can guide you to knowing God.
3. Door, or Gate
means you believe that Jesus is the only entrance to accepting God’s salvation
and to becoming part of God’s family.
4. Good Shepherd
means you
to Him, trust Him, and follow Him.
5. Resurrection
and life means you believe He can give you eternal life.
6. Way, truth,
and life means
you accept
Him as my Savior as the only way to heaven, believe Him, and live a full life
because of Him.
7. Vine means to
bear or produce fruit, abide in or remain
Him, obey Him, and love others.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Bible Study Guide - Lesson 13
Bible Study
Guide Lesson 13 “Thanksgiving”
*TEST DATE: Friday, November 17th
Colossians 3: 17 – Be able to write it out
1. Leprosy
is a type of disease that affects the skin and nerves.
2. A priest
determined if a person had leprosy.
3. After
Jesus healed 10 men with leprosy, only one came back to say thank you.
4. Jesus
commented on the Samaritan’s faith.
5. You can
show thankfulness to God in prayer, in song and in your actions.
6. Having an
attitude of thankfulness is a choice for every person each day.
7. God wants
our sacrificial thanks!
8. Having an
attitude of thankfulness helps people focus on God’s blessings. Believers
should be thankful Jesus sacrificed His life to pay for our sins!
able to write 3 complete sentences about things you are thankful to
God for in your life!!!
Social Studies Study Guide - Chapter 1
Social Studies Chapter 1 Study Guide
community: a group of people who live and
work together in the same place
culture: a way of life shared by members of
a group
service: work that someone does for someone
judge: a person from the community who is
chosen to work as a leader in the courts
goods: products, or things that can be
bought or sold
consequence: something that happens because
what a person does
Schools and libraries are important because they are places
where people can learn.
Many people live downtown or near business centers so they
can live near their work.
Ethnic groups help communities because they share their
cultures with the community.
Different jobs that people do in a community help all citizens
meet their needs because it saves them time.
Eagle, Colorado celebrates a holiday called Flight Days.
Cooperating with others helps make a community a safe and
peaceful place to live.
Some consequences for breaking a law are: paying a fine,
getting hurt, and going to jail.
A mayor is a leader whose job is to see that a community’s
problems are solved.
Every citizen in a community must obey laws as a
Citizens in a community have many responsibilities.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Bible Study Guide - Lesson 7
Bible Study
Guide 7 Test
Date: Thursday, November 9
*Know I
Corinthians 3:11 Be able to write it out!
*Finish this
sentence: wise builders build their house on a rock , and foolish builders
build their house on sand.
*True and
A parable is
an everyday story with a spiritual meaning. True
can find answers to their problems in God’s Word. True
Jesus used a
picture of a muscular man to show strength. False
A priority
is something deserving first attention.
*List 5
Priorities A Believer Should Have: Obedience, Bible Reading, Worship,
Fellowship, Prayer
SECTION: Tell about ways you can make wise choices. *Read the Bible, obey,
pray, listen to God, talk to wise people.
Explain how
knowing God and His Word has helped YOU through a life situation. (Complete
Friday, October 27, 2017
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Friday, October 20, 2017
Bible Study Guide - Lesson 6
Guide for Bible Test 6
Verse-Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine before men,
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
1. Know
the 8 Beatitudes’ meanings
poor in spirit: have humbleness toward
those who mourn: feel deep sadness
those who hunger and search for righteousness: want
to obey God
pure in heart: have a clean heart
those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: be
mistreated by others
merciful: forgive, love, and be kind
meek: be gentle and follow God
peacemakers: make peace
2. Know
the rewards for showing attitudes in the Beatitudes
kingdom of heaven, comfort, inherit the earth, be
filled or satisfied, be shown mercy, see God, be called a son of God
5:13-16 and John 8:12
3. What
does it mean to be like salt to others?
encourage others to follow Jesus, stand up for
what is right, help people learn about God and God’s ways
4. What
does it mean to be the light to others?
tell others about Jesus and do Christ like actions
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Science Study Guide - Unit 2
Study Guide Unit 2 The Engineering Process
Test Date: October 19, 2017
1. What is the main goal of the design
To find solutions to problems
2. What is technology?
Anything that people make
or do that changes the natural world
3. Engineers designed plans to make
freezers for food. What problem did it solve? How to keep food fresh
4. What material is good to use if you
are building a base for a bridge? Toothpicks
5. Which object in a train station is
not technology? A clock, door, person or scheduling board. (person)
6. Engineers designed a machine to
decrease air pollution. The main purpose of telling others about the machine is
to help other people solve the same problem.
7. Engineers can design and build tall
buildings in a city. The buildings solve the problem of a city with many people
and not a lot of land.
8. A student builds a bird feeder and
discovers the hole is too small for birds to get the food. The next step to fix
this problem is to redesign the bird feeder.
Bible Study Guide Lesson 5
Bible Study
Guide* Lesson 5 Test Date: Tuesday, Oct. 17
*Know Luke
6: 40 Be able to write it out
Write at least 3 ways a Christian can grow
in faith in
Christ. Serving others, prayer, reading
God’s Word,
Listening to the Holy Spirit.
What can you do to serve God and others?
*Fill in the
As Peter
grew in faith, he became a leader in the Church.
Jesus called
12 disciples to follow Him.
Before Jesus
chose His disciples He prayed.
The disciples
spent time in fellowship as they walked together.
transformed the disciples through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Peter grew
spiritually. He used to be selfish and afraid.
Matthew was
a tax collector.
watched and saw God transform the disciples’ lives.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Bible Study Guide - Lesson 4
Bible Test 4
Study Guide Test Date: Friday, Oct.6
*Know Isaiah
6:8 – Be able to write it out
TRUE and
FALSE…(They won’t be in this order)
False *To
respond means to not react.
True* Jesus
told the disciples to be fishers of men.
wants people to serve Him willingly and
helped Peter and the other disciples
catch many fish.
equip means to provide what is needed for
a certain purpose.
disciples were not sure they should leave
their fishing business when Jesus
*How does
God equip you as you follow Jesus? THINK
“FISH” = With FRIENDS, INSTRUCTIONS, SUPPLIES our needs, and gives us
*As the
disciples grew in their faith, they could tell others about Jesus, follow Him,
be an example.
Friday, September 22, 2017
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Bible Study Guide - Lesson 3
Bible Study
Lesson 3
Test Date: Wednesday, September
1. Know Matthew
3:17 * Be able to write it out*
2. What is a
job that is done in service to God and others?
3. Besides
prayer and the Bible, what two things help people prepare for ministry?
Reliance on God and obedience to God
4. What did
John the Baptist preach about?
Repentance of sin
5. The
Trinity means one God in three Persons.
Temptation means an attempt to get someone to do something wrong. Jesus used
Scripture to fight temptation.
7. The Sword
of the Spirit is a term for the Bible.
8. Prayer is
the other offensive weapon believers have to fight temptation.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Monday, September 11, 2017
Bible Study Guide - Lesson 2
Bible Study Guide 2 Test Date: September 19 , 2017
1. Know Luke 2:40
Be able to write it out.
2. Writing Section
Be able to write one or two
sentences about each one.
*Birth of Jesus:
Jesus was born in a stable.
There was no room in the inn.
*Shepherd's visit to Jesus:
An angel appeared to shepherds
in the fields and told them the Savior was born in Bethlehem. They left
everything to find Mary and the baby.
*Worship of Jesus by the wise
man. Wise men from the east saw David's star in the sky. They went to Bethlehem
and gave gifts to Jesus.
*Escape to Egypt:
Herod was jealous and ordered
all the baby boys to be killed. Joseph was warned in a dream so they escaped to
3. Definitions
Revelation: an act of making truth known
Divine: being God or from God
4. Sequencing
Be able to sequence these seven
1. Mary and Joseph leave
Jerusalem without Jesus
2. Mary and Joseph can't find
3. Mary and Joseph return to
4. Mary and Joseph find Jesus
in the temple.
5. Jesus is sitting with the
6. The teachers are amazed at
Jesus’ answers.
7. Jesus
tells Mary and Joseph he had to be in His Father’s house.
Science Study Guide - Unit 1
Unit 1 Science: Study Guide
Test Date: Wednesday, September 27th
Scientists: Questions, Tools, and Data
Terms to Know:
observe: use your senses to notice details
models: scientists use models to help understand things too
big or small to observe
experiment: a test done to gather evidence
graduated cylinder: a tool used to measure the volume of a liquid
microscope: a tool used to magnify objects too tiny to see with
the eye alone
stopwatch: best tool to measure the time a mouse runs through a
Science Concepts to Know
§ If you do an experiment and add drops
of liquid soap to three jars of water and shake the jars you can conclude that
the jar with the most soap drops has the most bubbles.
§ You can also conclude that bubbles
will form from shaking the water and soap jar.
§ A data table is used to record
§ A student can use balls of different
sizes to represent Earth and the moon. This is an example of making a model.
§ If a package arrives ripped and torn,
you can make an inference that the package has been dropped.
§ If putting a fence around a house you
would need to measure in many meters.
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Monday, September 4, 2017
Bible Study Guide - Lesson 1
Bible Study
Guide Test 1 *Test Date: Thursday,
Sept. 7
1. Know
Deuteronomy 6:4 Be able to write it out
2. Terms To
God is all-powerful
God is always present
God is all-knowing
Trinity: God
in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit
3. Facts to
There are 66
books in the Bible.
-39 books in the Old Testament
-27 books in the New Testament
should grow in faith, read God’s Word and share God’s plan with others.
4. Be able
to put the 7 categories of the Bible in order:
1. Law 2.History 3.Poetry 4.Prophets
6. History and Letters 7.Prophecy
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Newsletter and Homework for Sept. 5-8
Homework : Week of September 5
– 8
Monday Labor Day! No School!!!
Tuesday 1. Critical Thinking Math pages 1 & 2
Write sentences for spelling words 1-10
Study Bible verse
Read for 20 minutes!
Wednesday 1. Math Workbook page 4
2. Study for Bible Test 1 tomorrow!
3. Read for 20 minutes!
Thursday 1.
Math Workbook page 5
2. Write sentences for spelling words
and study for test on Friday
3. Read for 20 minutes!
Friday 1.
Math Workbook page 6
2. Study new Bible verse! Luke 2:40
3. Read for 20 minutes!
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Homework for August 28-September 1
Homework : Week of August 28-September 1
Monday 1. Study Bible verse* Deuteronomy 6:4
2. Read for 20 minutes
Tuesday 1. Study Bible verse
2. Read for 20 minutes!
Wednesday 1. Write spelling words #1 -18: 3 times each
2 . Study Bible Verse
3. Read for 20 minutes!
Back to School Night at 6:30
Thursday, July 20, 2017
2017-2018 School Year Greeting
Hello TLCS Families:
My name is Malinda Markel. This is my 16th year of teaching with this being my 6th year at Trinity. I'm looking forward to working with your family this year. It is always exciting to work with the students and watch them grow throughout the year. I hope that everyone is having a great and safe summer. Enjoy the rest of your summer! See you soon!
My name is Malinda Markel. This is my 16th year of teaching with this being my 6th year at Trinity. I'm looking forward to working with your family this year. It is always exciting to work with the students and watch them grow throughout the year. I hope that everyone is having a great and safe summer. Enjoy the rest of your summer! See you soon!
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Bible Study Guide - Lesson 24
Bible Study
Guide Lesson 24 “The Holy Spirit”
Test Date:
Wednesday, May 24th
*Know Acts
*Write the
definition of Pentecost: The day The Father sent The Holy Spirit to believers.
*Write the
definition of witness: To tell others the good news gospel message.
*Write 3
activities new believers did to share the gospel: listened and learned from the disciples, ate
and prayed together, saw miracles, shared things in common, praised God.
*Name 2 ways
the Holy Spirit helps believers:
He helps us,
teaches and counsels us, reminds believers of what Jesus says, guides us into
truth, helps us pray, gives us strength and boldness.
Be able to
put these events into this order:
1. Jesus
said to wait for The Holy Spirit in Jerusalem.
2. Jewish
people came to celebrate Pentecost in Jerusalem. 3. The Holy Spirit gave the disciples power.
4. Peter
preached and 3,000 believed in Jesus.
5. The
Church grew in numbers as they shared their faith.
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