Monday, March 27, 2017

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 20

                        TEST DATE:  Tuesday, April 4
*KNOW Philippians 4:13   Be able to write it out
*WRITING SECTION: Complete sentences
-What happened when Peter took his focus off Jesus?
-What is important to do when you feel afraid?
-What did you learn about God from the miracle of             walking on water?

-Jesus told the disciples to get into the boat to cross the Sea of Galilee.
-Then Jesus went to the mountain to pray.
-The disciples were afraid because they thought they saw a ghost.
-Peter walked on water when he put his focus on Jesus.
-Jesus showed the disciples He was trustworthy to help them.
-The disciples worshipped Jesus because He is the Son of God.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Spelling Bee - March 17, 2017

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 19

Bible Study Guide: Lesson 19        Test Date: Thursday, March 23
*Know Psalm 34: 8
*Facts To Know:
Jesus fed 5,000 with one boy’s lunch. The lunch consisted of 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.
There were 12 baskets of leftovers.
Jesus met a man in Gadera who had evil spirits affecting him.
Jesus has power over Satan. He told the spirits to leave. The spirits begged to be sent into the pigs. The man was so thankful Jesus set him free. Jesus told the man to tell his family and friends what He had done for him.

*Writing Section :Explain how Jesus showed compassion to the hungry crowd.
*Draw 3 out of the 6 pieces of the armor of God and label.

Feet shod with peace,    Helmet of salvation,    Belt of truth,

Breastplate of righteousness, Shield of faith, Sword of the Spirit

Monday, March 6, 2017

Social Studies Study Guide - Chapter 5

                 Social Studies Study Guide:  Chapter 5
Test Date: Wednesday, March 15th
*Mountains and plains are examples of landforms.
*The plant life in a place depends on the climate & soil.
*Roads and farms are examples of human features.
*The Andes Mountains form the world’s longest continuous chain of mountains.
*Farms are built to provide people with food.
*People living in a cold climate use fuels to get energy for heat.
*Portland, Maine is one of the largest fishing centers because of its natural harbor.
MATCHING: Words & Definitions
Harbor, Fuels, Landforms, Minerals, Desert
SKILL: Reading A Landform Map
WRITING SECTION: People live in many kinds of environments. Write a paragraph explaining ways people adapt to their environment.
Two questions about a community growing. * Would there be more or fewer people in the future?Homes?

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 18

Bible Study Guide: Lesson 18 
*Test Date: Monday, March 13th
*Know John 2: 11
*Vocabulary (Multiple Choice)
1. A testimony is an account given of something that happened. 2.Faith is a strong belief or trust in someone or something.  3. A miracle is an act of God that is impossible by human or natural causes.
*Sequencing (Jesus’ First Miracle)
Jesus went to a wedding in Cana. Jesus’ mother told Jesus they ran out of wine. Mary told the servants to obey Jesus. Jesus told the servants to fill the water pots with water. The servants obeyed. The water changed into wine and was served to the master of the feast. The master praised the quality of the wine.
*When the disciples saw Jesus’ power they believed in Him. Why did Jesus perform miracles? To show He is God’s Son and to show God’s power; to provide for a need.