Monday, April 24, 2017

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 21

Bible Study Guide   Lesson 21  Test Date: Thursday, April 27
Know: Isaiah 60: 1* Know: Which “I am” statement did Jesus use before He healed the blind man? I am the light of the world.
Sabbath: The day when no work was allowed
Day: The remaining time of Jesus’ ministry on earth
Night: When Jesus’ earthly ministry ends
Spiritual Blindness: Not being able to see the truth about
Spiritual Sight: The ability to see the truth about Jesus
Clay:What Jesus used to heal the blind man
Pool of Siloam: Where the blind man washed his eyes
WRITING *Complete sentences!!!
1. Why did the Pharisees remove the healed man from the synagogue?
2. How did the Pharisees show they were spiritually blind?

3. How did the blind man show that Jesus gave him physical AND spiritual sight?                                                              

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Homework and Newsletter for April 10-21

Science Study Guide - Unit 3

Study Guide Unit 3 Plants and Animals
Test: To Be Announced
life cycle: the stages a living thing goes through in its life
adaptation: any trait that helps a living thing survive
instinct: a behavior that an animal is born with
metamorphosis: the major changes in an animal’s appearance during its life cycle
hibernation: a deep, sleeplike state in which normal body activities slow
cone: a structure that holds seeds
migration: animals travel a long distance at the same time each year
behavioral adaptation: something that is a learned behavior or done by instinct

A tiger’s stripes help it to stay hidden.
A pitcher plant uses its special leaves to catch insects to digest.
Animals eat fruit with seeds and this helps to spread the seeds to other places.
A lion’s instinct tells it to search/hunt for food.
You should make a graph of the changes in a plant’s height after you record the data.
Reproduction with two parents allows for changes/diversity in the children/offspring.
An animal with spines (porcupine/hedgehog) uses its spines to scare predators away.

Applying Inquiry and Big Ideas
Be able to describe how a nymph and adult grasshopper are similar and different.
·          The nymph has a shape that is similar to the adult’s body.
·         An adult grass hopper is larger and has wings, but a grasshopper nymph is smaller and does not have wings.

What keeps a fruit from forming seeds?
·         Pollination is needed to make seeds.
·         The flower that made the fruit did not get enough pollen.

Describe what mimicry is and give an example.
·         Mimicry is an adaptation where one living thing imitates the look of another.
·         An example of mimicry is when the Viceroy butterfly looks like the Monarch butterfly, so it does not get eaten.

Describe how defense adaptations of a plant and animal are similar.
·         Both plants and animals can have spines to keep away predators.
·         Both plants and animals can taste bad to keep animals from eating them. 
·         Both plants and animals can be camouflaged in their surroundings to avoid being eaten.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 29 - Easter

Test Date: Wednesday April 12

·        KNOW John 11:25 Be able to write it out
·        Facts to know…
§  People shouted “Hosanna” as Jesus entered Jerusalem.
§  Judas betrayed Jesus.
§  Jesus prayed in the garden showing His deep love relationship with His Father.
§  The criminal on the cross was promised eternal life as the soldiers divided Jesus’ garments.
§  Jesus was resurrected from the dead and provided salvation for all believers.
§  Jesus will return in the same way He ascended.

·        Writing Section
§  How did Jesus show selfless love?
o   Jesus showed unconditional love by dying on the cross while we were sinners.
§  Name one thing Jesus asked His followers to do after He ascended into heaven?
o   The disciples were to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit.
o   They were to be witnesses and share to make disciples of all nations.
o   They were to go wherever Jesus sent them.
§  What can believers look forward to?

o   Eternal life; a new body; eager for Jesus’ return.