Friday, October 20, 2017

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 6

Study Guide for Bible Test 6
Memory Verse-Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:3-10
1. Know the 8 Beatitudes’ meanings
poor in spirit: have humbleness toward God
those who mourn: feel deep sadness
those who hunger and search for righteousness: want to obey God
pure in heart: have a clean heart
those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: be mistreated by others
merciful: forgive, love, and be kind
meek: be gentle and follow God
peacemakers: make peace

2. Know the rewards for showing attitudes in the Beatitudes
kingdom of heaven, comfort, inherit the earth, be filled or satisfied, be shown mercy, see God, be called a son of God

Matthew 5:13-16 and John 8:12
3. What does it mean to be like salt to others?
encourage others to follow Jesus, stand up for what is right, help people learn about God and God’s ways

4. What does it mean to be the light to others?

tell others about Jesus and do Christ like actions

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Science Study Guide - Unit 2

Science Study Guide   Unit 2         The Engineering Process
                                     Test Date: October 19, 2017

1.  What is the main goal of the design process?
           To find solutions to problems
2.  What is technology?
Anything that people make or do that changes the natural world
3.  Engineers designed plans to make freezers for food. What problem did it solve? How to keep food fresh
4.  What material is good to use if you are building a base for a bridge? Toothpicks
5.  Which object in a train station is not technology? A clock, door, person or scheduling board. (person)
6.  Engineers designed a machine to decrease air pollution. The main purpose of telling others about the machine is to help other people solve the same problem.
7.  Engineers can design and build tall buildings in a city. The buildings solve the problem of a city with many people and not a lot of land.
8.  A student builds a bird feeder and discovers the hole is too small for birds to get the food. The next step to fix this problem is to redesign the bird feeder.

Bible Study Guide Lesson 5

Bible Study Guide* Lesson 5  Test Date:  Tuesday, Oct. 17
*Know Luke 6: 40         Be able to write it out
*Writing Section:
   Write at least 3 ways a Christian can grow in faith in
     Christ. Serving others, prayer, reading God’s Word,
      Listening to the Holy Spirit.
    What can you do to serve God and others?
*Fill in the blanks:
As Peter grew in faith, he became a leader in the Church.
Jesus called 12 disciples to follow Him.
Before Jesus chose His disciples He prayed.
The disciples spent time in fellowship as they walked together.
God transformed the disciples through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Peter grew spiritually. He used to be selfish and afraid.
Matthew was a tax collector.
Others watched and saw God transform the disciples’ lives.