Thursday, November 29, 2018

Social Studies Study Guide Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Social Studies
Test Date: December 11, 2018

history: the story of what happened in a place
ancestor: someone in a person’s family, such as a great-great-grandmother, who lived long ago
pioneer: a person who helps settle a new land
location: the place where a community is found
founder: a person who starts a settlement

Multiple Choice:
The capital city of the United States is Washington, D.C.
The population of Eagle, Colorado is larger today than it was in the 1800s because more businesses brought more jobs.
A community that is larger than a suburb is a city.
The first people to live in Eagle, Colorado were Native Americans.
People who live in rural areas live away from cities and large towns.
The Himalayan Mountains are on the continent of Asia.
Miners discovered silver mines in the mountains of Colorado around the 1880s.
A line on a map that shows where a state or country ends is a boarder.
A globe is a model of our planet.  It shows the true shapes of Earth’s oceans and continents.
The founder of the settlement that later became Eagle was William Edwards.
the 4 cardinal directions- North, South, East, West
map scale: is used to find the distance from one place to another

How has the community of Eagle, Colorado changed? How has it stayed the same?

Over time, the population of Eagle has grown, stores and shops have been built, and transportation routes have improved.  Eagle is the same because people still live and work there.  They raise their families and enjoy parks and activities near their home.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Lesson With Mrs. Kurcoba

Last week Mrs. Kurcoba came into our class for a guidance lesson on worrying/anxiety. Mrs. Kurcoba read the book, "Wilma Jean the Worry Machine." The students identified things that worry them, then sorted the worries into things they can control, things they can control with help and things they can not control. The students also had the opportunity to make worry jars. These were sent home with your child. The worry jar is for someone to write down their worries and to put in the jar. About a week later, you read the worries and decide if you are still thinking of that worry, how you can handle the worry or if it is even a worry anymore. Families can come up with fun ways to get rid of the worries. (ex. put them in a shredder, burn them in a fire pit, rip them up, etc.)

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Social Studies Study Guide

Social Studies Chapter 1 Study Guide

Test Date: November 16, 2018

community: a group of people who live and work together in the same place
culture: a way of life shared by members of a group
service: work that someone does for someone else
judge: a person from the community who is chosen to work as a leader in the courts
goods: products, or things that can be bought or sold
consequence: something that happens because what a person does

Schools and libraries are important because they are places where people can learn.
Many people live downtown or near business centers so they can live near their work.
Ethnic groups help communities because they share their cultures with the community.
Different jobs that people do in a community help all citizens meet their needs because it saves them time.
Eagle, Colorado celebrates a holiday called Flight Days.
Cooperating with others helps make a community a safe and peaceful place to live.
Some consequences for breaking a law are: paying a fine, getting hurt, and going to jail.
A mayor is a leader whose job is to see that a community’s problems are solved.
Every citizen in a community must obey laws as a responsibility.
Citizens in a community have many responsibilities.

Newsletter and Homework for November 12-16

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Science Study Guide Unit 2

Science Study Guide   Unit 2         The Engineering Process
                                     Test Date: October 18

1.  What is the main goal of the design process?
           To find solutions to problems
2.  What is technology?
Anything that people make or do that changes the natural world
3.  Engineers designed plans to make freezers for food. What problem did it solve? How to keep food fresh
4.  What material is good to use if you are building a base for a bridge? Toothpicks
5.  Which object in a train station is not technology? A clock, door, person or scheduling board. (person)
6.  Engineers designed a machine to decrease air pollution. The main purpose of telling others about the machine is to help other people solve the same problem.
7.  Engineers can design and build tall buildings in a city. The buildings solve the problem of a city with many people and not a lot of land.
8.  A student builds a bird feeder and discovers the hole is too small for birds to get the food. The next step to fix this problem is to redesign the bird feeder.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Science Test Study Guide - Unit 1

Unit 1 Science: Study Guide
Test Date: Tuesday, October 2nd
Scientists: Questions, Tools, and Data

Terms to Know:

observe: use your senses to notice details

models: scientists use models to help understand things too big or small to observe

experiment: a test done to gather evidence

graduated cylinder: a tool used to measure the volume of a liquid

microscope: a tool used to magnify objects too tiny to see with the eye alone

stopwatch: best tool to measure the time a mouse runs through a maze

                                      Science Concepts to Know

§  If you do an experiment and add drops of liquid soap to three jars of water and shake the jars you can conclude that the jar with the most soap drops has the most bubbles.
§  You can also conclude that bubbles will form from shaking the water and soap jar.
§  A data table is used to record numbers.
§  A student can use balls of different sizes to represent Earth and the moon. This is an example of making a model.
§  If a package arrives ripped and torn, you can make an inference that the package has been dropped.
§  If putting a fence around a house you would need to measure in many meters.

Newsletter and Homework for September 24-28

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Newsletter and Homework for September 4-7

              Homework : Week of September 4 – 7

Monday             Labor Day! No School!!!
Tuesday            1. Critical Thinking Math pages 1 & 2
                         2. Write sentences for spelling words   1-10
                         3. Study Bible verse
                         4. Read for 20 minutes!
Wednesday      1. Math Workbook page 4
                        2. Write sentences for spelling words 11-18          
 3.  Study Bible verse    
                        4.  Read for 20 minutes!
Thursday         1. Math Workbook page 5
 2. Read “Wolf”
 3. Study for spelling test tomorrow
Friday             1. Math Workbook page 6
                       2. Study Bible verse
                       3. Read for 20 minutes!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 23

Bible Study Guide      Lesson 23    Test Date: Wednesday,
                                                                                  May 23rd
*KNOW Jeremiah 29: 11
Name 3 things from Luke 9:23 Jesus told His followers to do:    * Deny himself, *Take up (pick up) his cross,
       *Follow Jesus

*TRANSFIGURATION: Jesus talked to Moses and Elijah
What does each one represent? JESUS: Our Savior       MOSES: The Law              ELIJAH: The Prophets

KNOW: * A go- between is called a mediator, and transfiguration  means a significant change. There were 3 disciples with Jesus when He was transfigured. The disciples were Peter, James and John.
*Describe how God’s divinity and omnipresence are evident in the transfiguration of Jesus.

*Name one personal quality that will help you follow     

Newsletter and Homework for May 20-24

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 22

*Know Jeremiah 32: 27
*True and False (make the false statements true!)
1. When Jesus found out Lazarus was sick He went to be with him right away. False: He stayed where He was two more days.
2. Martha believed that Jesus could have healed Lazarus if He had come earlier. True
3. Jesus called Himself the resurrection and the life. True
4. When Jesus reached the tomb He couldn’t help Lazarus. False: He resurrected Lazarus!
5. After seeing this miracle, many mourners believed in Jesus. True
6. Believe means not to consider as true. False: Believe means to consider as true.
WRITING *2 Questions (complete sentences)
1. Explain how Jesus’ miracles glorify God.
2. Name one miracle Jesus performed.

Newsletter and Homework for May 7-11

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Social Studies Study Guide - Chapter 4

SOCIAL STUDIES CHAPTER 4  Study Guide – Test Date – Tuesday, May 1
Apply What You Have Learned for Voting:
Before the election-
1. candidates share ideas 2. ballots are prepared
During the election-
1. people vote in secret
After the election-
1. ballots are counted 2. winners are announced
Congress, Supreme Court, patriotic symbol, religion, hero, ballot, majority rule

-MLK, Jr. won the Nobel Peace Prize for encouraging others to remain peaceful in their fight for civil rights.
-Harriet Tubman risked her life to help people escape from slavery.
-Francis Scott Key wrote the national anthem.

*The responsibilities of the president are to make sure laws are faithfully executed
*Congress is the Senate and the House of Representatives
*Supreme Court Justices are chosen by the President and approved by the Senate
*Votes are kept secret so people won’t worry about what others think of their choices
*The stripes on the United States flag stand for the first 13 states.
*There are 50 stars on the United States flag because there is one star for each state.

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 21

Bible Study Guide   Lesson 21   Test Date: Tuesday, May 1
Know: Isaiah 60: 1* Know: Which “I am” statement did Jesus use before He healed the blind man? I am the light of the world.
TERMS To Know:
Sabbath: The day when no work was allowed to work
Day: The remaining time of Jesus’ ministry on earth
Night: When Jesus’ earthly ministry ends
Spiritual Blindness: Not being able to see the truth about
Spiritual Sight: The ability to see the truth about Jesus
Clay: What Jesus used to heal the blind man
Pool of Siloam: Where the blind man washed his eyes
WRITING ***Complete sentences!!! ***
1. Why did the Pharisees remove the healed man from the synagogue?
2. How did the Pharisees show they were spiritually blind?
3. How did the blind man show that Jesus gave him physical AND spiritual sight?                                                              

Friday, April 13, 2018

Homework and Newsletter for April 16-20


Biography Project Rubric

3rd Grade Biography Poster

Total Points
Points Earned
Title, author, copyright date, illustrator

Birth and death dates

Place of birth and death


Beginning, Middle, and Later Life

Greatest Accomplishments

Creativity (drawings, pictures, designs, hair)

Proper tense throughout the report                                          (present, past or future)






Final Grade

Biography Project

You will create a “Biography Book Report Poster”.  Choose a biography book on a third grade reading level.  Choose a person about whom you would like to learn more. Students will present their posters on Monday, May  21st  in Fellowship Hall at 2:00 .    
Bring your book to school to be approved by your teacher
no later than Friday, April 20th .
The final project is due on Friday May 18th.
1.    Use a piece of standard size poster board – about 22” x 30”.
2.    Cut a hole in the center – about the size for your face to show through it.
3.    Write your information on lined paper & glue it to the poster board around “your face”.
4.    Write your name grade & due date on the bottom right-hand side of the BACK of the poster.
5.    The following information must be included:
a.     Title, author & copyright date
b.    Early years
                                                             i.      Birth date
                                                           ii.      Birth place
                                                        iii.      Family life
c.      Middle years
                                                             i.      Education
                                                           ii.      Hobbies
d.     Late years
                                                             i.      Problem faced & solution
                                                           ii.      Major contributions to society
                                                        iii.      Death date & cause, if known
e.      Why you chose this person
6.     Make your poster inviting & colorful.  Points will also be given for following directions & creativity.
7.    Have fun with the project & learn a lot.