Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Social Studies Study Guide - Chapter 4

SOCIAL STUDIES CHAPTER 4  Study Guide – Test Date – Tuesday, May 1
Apply What You Have Learned for Voting:
Before the election-
1. candidates share ideas 2. ballots are prepared
During the election-
1. people vote in secret
After the election-
1. ballots are counted 2. winners are announced
Congress, Supreme Court, patriotic symbol, religion, hero, ballot, majority rule

-MLK, Jr. won the Nobel Peace Prize for encouraging others to remain peaceful in their fight for civil rights.
-Harriet Tubman risked her life to help people escape from slavery.
-Francis Scott Key wrote the national anthem.

*The responsibilities of the president are to make sure laws are faithfully executed
*Congress is the Senate and the House of Representatives
*Supreme Court Justices are chosen by the President and approved by the Senate
*Votes are kept secret so people won’t worry about what others think of their choices
*The stripes on the United States flag stand for the first 13 states.
*There are 50 stars on the United States flag because there is one star for each state.

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 21

Bible Study Guide   Lesson 21   Test Date: Tuesday, May 1
Know: Isaiah 60: 1* Know: Which “I am” statement did Jesus use before He healed the blind man? I am the light of the world.
TERMS To Know:
Sabbath: The day when no work was allowed to work
Day: The remaining time of Jesus’ ministry on earth
Night: When Jesus’ earthly ministry ends
Spiritual Blindness: Not being able to see the truth about
Spiritual Sight: The ability to see the truth about Jesus
Clay: What Jesus used to heal the blind man
Pool of Siloam: Where the blind man washed his eyes
WRITING ***Complete sentences!!! ***
1. Why did the Pharisees remove the healed man from the synagogue?
2. How did the Pharisees show they were spiritually blind?
3. How did the blind man show that Jesus gave him physical AND spiritual sight?                                                              

Friday, April 13, 2018

Homework and Newsletter for April 16-20


Biography Project Rubric

3rd Grade Biography Poster

Total Points
Points Earned
Title, author, copyright date, illustrator

Birth and death dates

Place of birth and death


Beginning, Middle, and Later Life

Greatest Accomplishments

Creativity (drawings, pictures, designs, hair)

Proper tense throughout the report                                          (present, past or future)






Final Grade

Biography Project

You will create a “Biography Book Report Poster”.  Choose a biography book on a third grade reading level.  Choose a person about whom you would like to learn more. Students will present their posters on Monday, May  21st  in Fellowship Hall at 2:00 .    
Bring your book to school to be approved by your teacher
no later than Friday, April 20th .
The final project is due on Friday May 18th.
1.    Use a piece of standard size poster board – about 22” x 30”.
2.    Cut a hole in the center – about the size for your face to show through it.
3.    Write your information on lined paper & glue it to the poster board around “your face”.
4.    Write your name grade & due date on the bottom right-hand side of the BACK of the poster.
5.    The following information must be included:
a.     Title, author & copyright date
b.    Early years
                                                             i.      Birth date
                                                           ii.      Birth place
                                                        iii.      Family life
c.      Middle years
                                                             i.      Education
                                                           ii.      Hobbies
d.     Late years
                                                             i.      Problem faced & solution
                                                           ii.      Major contributions to society
                                                        iii.      Death date & cause, if known
e.      Why you chose this person
6.     Make your poster inviting & colorful.  Points will also be given for following directions & creativity.
7.    Have fun with the project & learn a lot.


Bible Study Guide - Lesson 20

                        TEST DATE: Thursday, April 19th
*KNOW Philippians 4:13   Be able to write it out
*WRITING SECTION: Complete sentences
-What happened when Peter took his focus off Jesus?
-What is important to do when you feel afraid?
-What did you learn about God from the miracle of             walking on water?

-Jesus told the disciples to get into the boat to cross the Sea of Galilee.
-Then Jesus went to the mountain to pray.
-The disciples were afraid because they thought they saw a ghost.
-Peter walked on water when he put his focus on Jesus.
-Jesus showed the disciples He was trustworthy to help them.
-The disciples worshipped Jesus because He is the Son of God.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Bible Study Guide - Lesson 19

Bible Study Guide: Lesson 19          Test Date: Weds. ,April 11
*Know Psalm 34: 8
*Facts To Know:
Jesus fed 5,000 with one boy’s lunch. The lunch consisted of 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.
There were 12 baskets of leftovers.
Jesus met a man in Gadera who had evil spirits affecting him.
Jesus has power over Satan. He told the spirits to leave. The spirits begged to be sent into the pigs. The man was so thankful Jesus set him free. Jesus told the man to tell his family and friends what He had done for him.

*Writing Section :Explain how Jesus showed compassion to the hungry crowd.
*Draw 3 out of the 6 pieces of the armor of God and label.

Feet shod with peace,    Helmet of salvation,    Belt of truth,

Breastplate of righteousness, Shield of faith, Sword of the Spirit