Thursday, May 9, 2019

Social Studies Study Guide - Chapter 5

Social Studies Study Guide:  Chapter 5
Test Date: May 22
·         Mountains and plains are examples of landforms.
·         The plant life in a place depends on the climate & soil.
·         If there were no bridges, highways, or railroad tracks, it would be hard for people and goods to move from one place to another.
·         Roads and farms are examples of human features.
·         The Andes Mountains form the world’s longest continuous chain of mountains.
·         Farms are built to provide people with food.
·         People living in a cold climate use fuels to get energy for heat.
·         Portland, Maine is one of the largest fishing centers because of its natural harbor.
·         People do not change the physical features of the Earth by using water that runs down from mountains.
·         All the physical features, human features, and conditions of a place make up its environment.

Matching vocabulary
harbor: a protected place with deep water that allows ships to come close to the shore
fuels: natural resources such as oil, coal, and wood
landforms: kinds of land
minerals: natural resources such as iron and gold
desert: a place with a very dry climate
adapt: to change for a purpose, such as usefulness or survival

·         Read a Landform Map of Washington’s mountains, plateaus, hills, and coastal plain
Writing Section
Answering questions from a chart:  If a community’s growth continues, would there be more or fewer people in the future and why?  If the number of people continues to grow would the number of homes and schools grow as well?

Essay: People live in many kinds of environments. Write a paragraph explaining ways people have found to adapt to their environment. Example: 
People have adapted by wearing special clothing for warm or cold climates and by heating or cooling their homes.  They also use the natural resources of the environment to make their living.  Finally, people have found ways to change the physical features of Earth.

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